Tuesday, 18 June 2013
B&W basics
Most people recognise that dressing, while being the most basic of activities, can quickly become one of the most expensive and painful. So avoiding this route, I've found it easiest to stick to basics - basic colours, basic cuts, basic items. Who said a tee had to be boring!
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Calm, collected and cosy
Sometimes I stop and think about the fact that I've never dressed more like a slob true uni student until now. Incidentally, I finished studying a year ago, and when I was at uni, I was always the overdressed one (hello, fashun?). But in all seriousness, dressing this way makes me happy, and not in the "pants-optional" form of happiness, but more of an "I'm comfortable, and if my outfit offends you, I can deal with that" way. Some would argue that a pants optional lifestyle = comfort, but I beg to differ!
Jay left for (yet another) trip overseas, so yesterday was really a day for being comfortable and cosy to make all the last minute dashes to the shops and endure the packing madness. You think that after traveling this much, you'd have your packing down to a 30 minute routine!
Back to the point, nothing screams comfort more to me than pyjama-style pants and a cosy oversized knit. It didn't even matter that I had at least 6 people tell me my pants looked like pyjama pants, because most importantly, they're comfortable. And hey, if your pyjama-style pants have patterns which resemble lego flowers, even better!
So amid all the madness, we saw this dead ivy-covered wall and figured it would make a great backdrop to pretend that we hadn't been running around like mad men and women. And now, even though the madness is over, I think I'll struggle not to outfit repeat for a while. Really, who can argue with Sportsgirl's crazy sales at the moment - hello 50% off!
Asos Geo Tile Print pants | Sportsgirl knit | Piper Lane lace bodysuit | Collette chain necklace | Topshop boots | Sam Ubhi Love Signature ring
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Highs and lows
After watching THE MOST HORRIFIC and brutal 10 minutes of TV I've ever seen (thanks Game of Thrones!!!) it seemed like a good idea to post
something anything to try and pull myself into better spirits... So these pics are from a few weeks ago. A time before I my innocence and naivety were slain, alongside the Starks.
PS. If you were wondering, I totally balled my eyes out. Like a baby. Bet you did the same.
On a different note I get really sick of trends quite easily. A really big player last year which, in some ways, is still refusing to die off is the high-low skirt. Thankfully, the bulk of the seemingly inoffensive skirts and dresses have dropped off the radar but I occasionally see them popping up from time to time. This seems to be the way with most of the mainstream trends. So my skirt is kind of my nod to the death of that trend, while I feel like my incredibly sparkly silvery-blue nail polish is a sign that winter is coming. Not that my outfit needs analysing etc, of course! Either way, hopefully this means that the high-low trend is one that we'll not be seeing for a while.
And now that this is done, hopefully I'll be able to sleep sans nightmares....
Asos singlet | Asos skirt | OPI I Don't Give A Rotterdam polish | Nicholas heels | Parliament of Two bubble wand necklace | Signet ring