Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Blood Sanguine

Occasionally you meet people who lovingly name their clothes and develop a pseudo-human relationship with them. "Oh, Susannah, she's amazing. She's been with me for years!"
Other people can tell you a blow-by-blow account about certain items in their wardrobe. I happen to fall into the latter category. 

To me, you know there's something really special about certain items in your floordrobe when they come with a complete story behind their acquisition. It's even better if they've made the transition from floordrobe to permanent hanging space in a real wardrobe. Now we're really getting serious! 

My Bec & Bridge Blood Sanguine dress have a long, long history! I first tried this dress on when it came out in 2009. At the time, I umm'd and ahh'd about its practicality and cost-per-wear. So after annoying the sales assistant for at least 45 minutes, I turned my back on it. 
Fast forward two weeks, and I knew I HAD to have the dress. Spending the next two years looking for it everywhere online, in every boutique imaginable and on eBay, I finally found it on eBay! 
In fact, I was so desperate to have it that I'd asked Jay to bid on it at the same time, in case Vodafail let me down I somehow missed it. Not knowing his eBay username, I frantically outbid him (and effectively, myself) by another $15. In hindsight, it was all worth it, so I could play tourist and prance around the Japanese Gardens over the weekend! 

Bec & Bridge Blood Sanguine dress | Topshop boots | A Skulk of Foxes horse necklace | Cheap Monday Foretell ring | Signet ring | Bluejuice belt | Karl shoulder bag


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