Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Sail Away

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Sometimes we get so caught up with life in general that we forget to look around and appreciate the little things. I'm definitely guilty of this. So this is what I'm trying to do here. In the wee hours of the morning in Sydney, in a sailor dress. Because honestly, who doesn't need a sailor dress!

Realistically though, it honestly does appear that the grass is always greener. All my friends from overseas gush about how beautiful Australia is, while those of us who live here can't wait to leave! As much as I'd love to move to Paris, I'm still tied to Sydney. And it's still a gorgeous city.

Vintage dress | Asos Maisy loafers | Cheap Monday Foretell ring | A Skulk of Foxes horse necklace | Karl shoulder bag



  1. Gotta love harbour views

  2. Especially Sydney harbour... Not being biased in the slightest! Ax
